The Hanover Township Planning Commission consists of seven residents who serve as volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors for staggered terms of four years. The Planning Commission works toward providing for the coordinated development of the Township and the general welfare of its people.
The functions of the Planning Commission are to review subdivisions, land development plans, conditional use applications and lot line changes, and to make recommendations regarding those to the Board of Supervisors. As a guide in such a review the following are used: Comprehensive Plan – a long range general statement of the amount, intensity, and character of land use; Zoning Ordinance – a precise, short range, legally binding regulation on property use; Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) – provides for the coordination of design and construction of streets, storm water drainage, sewers and utilities. It includes protective requirements for the health and welfare of the Township citizens.
Because planning is a continuous process which shapes and guides the physical growth of Hanover Township in harmony with its social and economic needs, the Planning Commission urges all members of the public to attend its meetings and make known their views.
Regular monthly meetings are held in the Hanover Township Municipal Building at 7:30 P.M. on the first Monday of the month. However January and September meetings are usually held on the second Monday.
All plans to be reviewed prior to being placed on the Planning Commission’s agenda must be properly and completely submitted, including submission fees, to the Township office no later than twelve noon three weeks prior to the first Monday of the month. The submission form/application is below.
Planning Commission Minutes and Agenda
Barry Check – Chairman
Richard Kanaskie – Vice Chairman
Richard Mannix – Secretary
Paul Borosky
Gordon Campbell
Glynis Daniels
Martin Gilchrist
Clerk- Judy Holladay